They actually get a therapeutic benefit from performing the sessions. Benefits of integrated energy therapy, stress management. Splankna therapy institute developed what could be the first energy psychology protocol grounded in biblical principles. The story of sarahs background and the journey of developing the splankna therapy protocol are told in her first book, splankna. Splankna is the most powerful therapy i know of to realize christs gift and serve our fellow man.
Simple practices to heal body, mind, and spirit ebook. Most of the time when the old testament speaks of the breath of life it uses the hebrew word ruwach. Splankna explains the various forms of christian healing christian energy therapy healing is one of the most foundational parts of the christian faith. It provides a straightforward, mechanistic treatment procedure for alleviating a wide range of spiritual, psychological and physical symptoms through both a healing and. Knowing a christian energy psychology the splankna. It affects the energies of the body and mind, enabling it to function optimally and can be used both for diseases and health care. Splankna explains the various forms of christian healing. Splankna is considered energy psychology through a christian mindbodyspirit approach. We offer a christian protocol for mindbody work adapting elements from neuroemotional technique n. Energy therapy helps strengthen the immune system, treat pain, affect hormones, relieve stress and recharge our batteries. Energy therapy learn energy medicine online live your. Splankna therapy offers a christian protocol for energy psychology developed from an integration of neuroemotional technique, thought field therapy, emdr and spiritual warfare. Splankna can help issues splankna therapy can help address.
Here you will be able to purchase and download the required ethicslegal course for the splankna therapy institutes practitioner certification program. The fundamental lasting contribution of applied kinesiology is that the body can be scientifically understood, clinically assessed, and effectively treated as an energy system. Kay cordell whitakers research into various forms of energy healing, in particular the influence of geometric forms on living systems, as well as radionics and psychotronics, is an ongoing process that has lead to some astounding discoveries. When coupled with the techniques employed to gently stimulate and release energy held on a cellular level within the body, this angelic energy creates the healing system known as integrated energy therapy. How splankna began history of splankna lifesource coaches. Splankna is a christian attempt to christianize new age concepts with something called splakna energy therapy. Grounded in scripture, she walks the reader through the two main arguments against the christians use of. Grounded in scripture, she walks the reader through the two main arguments against the christians use of energy healing techniques. Currently there are over 900 trained splankna practitioners in the u. Resources used in the development of pranic energy healing. From scientific discoveries to personal stories and anecdotal evidence, these books offer an overview on all that we know so far about energy healing. In working with this system, the practitioner is a vessel through which angelic energy is channeled for the purpose of healing. Science has never found any evidence of the existence of this energy and does not recognize or regulate any practices associated with it.
Creating healing relationships books, dvds, live and online. Chris is also a certified splankna practitioner from the splankna therapy institute. Energy therapy is the science and art of clearing the cellular memory of the body by addressing imbalances in the human energy field. The subconscious mind is actually responsible for the protection and preservation of lives from any kind of damage or danger and hence it stores a huge amount of emotions of traumatic episodes of the past. A student of energy therapies must have a background in the principles and practices of energy therapy. Healing with purebioenergy is precise, highly structured and unique in its simplicity. Bioenergy healing therapists dont rely at all on their personal energy stores. Other vibrational therapy methods have to make use of their own energy stores, and can get an energy drain as such. Acupuncture and the chakra energy system north atlantic books. Search the worlds most comprehensive index of fulltext books. The company helps people attain holistic healing with energy psychology protocols through. In this groundbreaking book sarah thiessen teaches us how to think redemptively in our current healing culture. Owner of christian counseling center and therapist. The word splankna is the closest new testament approximation to subconscious and the gut.
It is based on the pseudosciences of thought field therapy and neuroemotional technique. It is also the focus for splankna, who feel that it is human nature to wish to heal itself not just from disease, injury, and illness, but also from spiritual, psychological, emotional, and. The second necessary component to help energy medicine work is the belief of the patient. The mindbody work of splankna therapy facilitates the bodys own ability to release that stored emotion on an energetic level, thus removing some of the fuel behind the symptom. Find energy healing practitioners nationwide search. Splankna therapy is unique in that its protocol uses three styles of circuitry. Grayson and other esteemed faculty of the institute for synergetic therapy the training program. Then you can start reading kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer no kindle device required.
Biggest secret for marketing your energy therapy practice. Jan 22, 2018 at the splankna therapy institute we are passionate about redeeming the field of energy psychology for the kingdom of god. There are over a dozen current styles of getting this done in the field of energy psychology. Splankna therapy is a holistic therapy put together by sarah thiessen. Biggest secret for marketing your energy therapy practice by greg pitstick would you like to have a successful energy therapy practice.
Energy healing is a form of healing that manipulates, restores or balances the flow of energy in the body. You will learn a basic and easy to use model for psychotherapy integration, so that you easily provide the most helpful interventions for the various problem areas patients present to you. It is a combination of several protocols including eft, tft, net, and emdr and is the first therapy protocol to use energy psychology from a christian perspective. The practice is based on the principles of the usui system of reiki healing an ancient japanese technique administered with the gentle laying of the hands on or just above the body. Being sedentary in childhood and early in adult life, but then implementing an active and healthy lifestyle later in life.
Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of energy work that is relaxing, rejuvenating, and promotes selfhealing and selfimprovement. This is a wellrounded supportive course that will provide the basic understanding of energy therapy for the rest of the students life. Proponents of splankna therapy call it the first christian protocol for energy psychology. A guide to healing through the human energy field by barbara ann brennan, energy medicine. Typically when christians look for the concept of vital energy in the bible they land on the idea of the breath of life in the genesis account. Born with sin, we all come into the world with the strong belief that we are the center of. They do not have any sort of limited belief system or worldview that gets in the way. One of the questions i am most often asked about the splankna therapy protocol is, can splankna help with. These books cover some of the other bodies of energy healing teaching. Splankna attempts to approach the energy psychology healing modalities from a christian angle, focusing on thought field therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, and neuroemotional technique. Automatic inclusion in splankna s online searchable database of providers where clients arou video meet sarah thiessen as the founder of the splankna therapy institute with years of experience working with clients, sarah thiessen has a deep passion to redeem the field of energy psycholo muscle testing, functional or fake see more. Oh yes, this a great therapy for children, we see incredible results with them.
Grounded in scripture, she walks the reader through the two main arguments against the christians use of energy. Splankna therapy is the first christian energy based therapy used to help people transform these buried memories and improve their wellbeing. Pages in category energy therapies the following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total. To find distance healing practitioners nationwide go here. This provides the theoretical basis of using energy as a therapy. This can be facilitated through the splankna therapy, a kind of christian energy psychology. What does the bible say about energy healing energy medicine reiki. Purebioenergy pro purebioenergy making real healing simple. The first is called direct access, in which the practitioner asks the client to touch the point on their body where a trauma is located, based on an initial prayer for guidance from the lord. They have published two books answering many of the questions asked by christians interested in the topic of holistic medicine. Thiessen teaches us how to think redemptively in our current healing culture.
Splankna therapy combines body, soul and spirit in concert to resolve emotional trauma. A fulfilling practice that enables you to help other people while meeting your financial needs. Jan 02, 2020 the modern concept of splankna therapy is based on a mindbody connection and supposed energy fields within the body. A brief history of energy medicine and energy psychology. Energy therapies is a collective term used to refer to a variety of alternative and complementary treatments based on the use, modification, or manipulation of energy fields. Therapeutic touch and bio energy therapy also known as energy field therapy or bu qi are two such and can be used to clear blockages from the energy system and to permit the energy to flow smoothly. Splankna therapy incorporates elements from thought field therapy, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Splankna and millions of other books are available for amazon kindle. While gifted healers are being trained in hundreds of modalities worldwide, few genuinely professional organizations exist and, in most cases, standards of. Depression isnt something you can just get rid of, but it is a trip in which you study more about yourself. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing and spiritual warfare. In a world where people are constantly grasping for deeper meaning, deeper spirituality, and a higher purpose, energy healing is one more new age philosophy that presents itself as very desirable to human beings.
Energy therapies effects, therapy, examples, person, people. Splankna is akin to reiki, but with a christian twist in that splankna identifies the life force within us as the holy spirit and it incorporates prayer into the treatment. Splankna is a redemptive healing therapy that should be investigated by christians. A handful of simple, yet powerful, techniques within stepbystep protocols eliminates the extraneous to directly address the process of healing. He or she must accept as true the premise regarding energy. Energy healing therapist holistic alternative practitioners. Core energetics aims to promote healing by placing focus on the balance and flow of energy between body, mind, emotions, spirit, and will in order to promote healing this therapeutic process.
Splankna therapy is designed to help get to the origin of an emotional issue with the goal of rapidly desensitizing the emotional stress connected to a past event. Get the complete guide to becoming a splankna practitioner grab your copy and get started today. Splankna therapy institute trains christian counselors and nonprofessionals in an inner healing protocol derived from the acupuncture system and prayer. Its new and different, but hopefully you will give it a try and receive some benefit. This promotes health, vitality and relaxation at all levels of ones being, preventing disease from manifesting in the first instance, and helping to heal disease which is already present.
Splankna will not only help you experience god more personally, but it has been proven to help your clients grow closer to god as well. A stepbystep guide to the basics of spiritual healing ruth white, c. To read an article in the energy based therapies category, simply choose the one below that you are interested in and click on it. What does the bible say about energy healing energy. They also use the faulty new age practice of muscle testing. Energy medicine archives women of gracewomen of grace. The redemption of energy healing for the kingdom of god. Certification is a mentorship giving each student the individual and personal attention needed to fortify and support all the aspects of purebioenergy on the highest level of practice.
An energy therapy using gentle hand techniques to help repattern a persons energy field and accelerate healing of the body, mind an spirit, healing touch has been used to help reduce the stress level and heart rate variability in children with cancer. Especially with younger children and animals the results are often seen very quick because they are completely open to the energy. Energy is the living, vibrating source of our being. At the splankna therapy institute we are passionate about redeeming the field of energy psychology for the kingdom of god. Find the top 100 most popular items in amazon books best sellers.
Some want to know if splankna can help with a physical problem like back pain or thyroid issues. Energy medicine refers to a variety of new age healing techniques that purport to manipulate, balance or cleanse an alleged universal life force that supposedly pervades all of creation. Healing work isnt just about what happens in the therapy room, but also about how practitioners communicate with integrity and act in their professional and personal relationships. In this book, energy healer and psychotherapist abby wynne explains the basic concepts of energy healing and gives you exercises and techniques for getting. Certified students are part of a supported circle of highly committed purebioenergy therapists who want to work together to promote and practice the method. Energy healing energy medicine, energy therapy or spiritual healing are types of alternative medicine.
Simple practices to heal body, mind, and spirit karen frazier on. Splankna therapy and the christian perspective splankna. The practitioner may do so by turning to one of several different kinds of energy healing. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. We have been training splankna practitioners like jake for the last 14 years. Very strong warning on splankna therapy by marcia montenegro. The redemption of energy healing for the kingdom of god by sarah thiessen 40 ratings, 4. The institute has written two books on the subject of christianity and holistic healing methods. He or she must also have faith in the practitioners ability to alter the energy patterns. So many different healing methods fall under the umbrella of energy healing and energy psychology that it can be confusing where the spiritual boundary lines fall. Splankna attends to the way our bodies store emotions like frequencies. George goodheart introduced applied kinesiology in the mid1960s. Most energy therapies presuppose or accept the theory that matter and energy are not exclusive opposites, but that matter is simply a denser form of energy that is more.
If you would like to make an appointment, contact me or book a session here. By comparing the traditional approaches of chinese medicine and modern western acupuncture with the chakra energy system of ayurvedic philosophy, author john cross offers clinically proven strategies for treating the causes of conditions, not just the symptoms. When all three elements of the person are working together, the change is deep and lasting. About purebioenergy elizabeth bell, bioenergy therapist. Sponsor an emerging leader sponsor an under resourced emerging leader pastor, missionary, market place and their family, team or organization to. Enter your mobile number or email address below and well send you a link to download the free kindle app.
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